Unlocking the Future: AI in Recruitment Outlook - Join Us Online on February 1st!

Laurens Waling (on behalve of 8vance) will be speaking at the “AI in Recruitment Outlook” event on February 1st. Join us for an insightful discussion on how AI is reshaping the future of recruitment.

Laurens Waling (on behalve of 8vance) will be speaking at the “AI in Recruitment Outlook” event on February 1st. Join us for an insightful discussion on how AI is reshaping the future of recruitment.

At this event, we’ll delve into the fascinating world of AI and recruitment. Trendwatchers predict that AI will make work more enjoyable, automate tedious tasks, and bring forth a new era of relevance in the workplace. Are you curious about the future of work and how AI is changing the game?

We’ll discuss topics such as the potential disappearance of certain job roles (read: tasks) and the emergence of new opportunities. The way we organize work may undergo a fundamental transformation. Is it time to rethink the very nature of work and how we organize it?

8vance is thrilled about these optimistic predictions, but we’ll also critically examine whether technology truly liberates or confines us, narrows or widens disparities, and what is desirable at different moments. The bottom line: Get ready for a captivating year ahead, marked by exciting events where I’ll share my insights on AI’s role in shaping the future of work.

Don’t miss this opportunity to explore the future with us! See you there!

For more details and registration, visit the website: https://www.recruitmenttech.nl/agenda-item/ai-in-recruitment-outlook-2024/

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