Updates and releases

On this page, you will find the highlights of our recent releases

We are committed to providing the best service and reliability across our applications. All our software solutions are web-based, meaning we can move with agility, and improvements to our services can be made without expected downtime to always provide you with the latest, best and most stable software version via regular updates.

  • Please note that some changes relate to a specific part or product. Therefore, not all release notes may have an impact on your 8vance application. For questions please reach out to our support team via support@8vance.com or phone +31 85 88 82 461.
  • We release our updates once every two weeks. This gives us time to optimally develop, test, accept and release our latest version. Our updates happen in the background, so you can continue using our applications without downtime.



  • Functional changes or expected downtime due to for example server maintenance are announced at least a week in advance via email to the contact person within your organization.
  • The release notes webpage will be regularly updated.



Version 2024.36.4 Comming soon

Match App

Project templates

We have added a search option to the project templates, which allows you to search and navigate to a specific template faster when creating a new project.


Contact description

In a project, you can list both a primary and additional contact with a contact description. When you choose to display a contact with your published project, the contact description is now also displayed.


Update easy job creation

In our previous version we added the easy job creation which allows you to quickly create a new project with a few steps. After feedback on this functionality, we have put the skills suggestions section above the location details.



Version 2024.31

Match App

New organisation onboarding

New onboarding with better guidance for new organisations on our platform.


New timeline

We have changed the design of the timeline. For now, no functionality changes have been made and you use the timeline as you are used to. See new applicants, interested talents and matches immediately and follow them up via the project page, talent pool or the WMS.


New project page

We have redesigned the project page. You can now see at a glance all the important information about your projects, such as status, organisation, location, hours and salary and the number of talents or applicants found interesting. Use the WMS button to track your project directly or choose Talent Match to go directly to the market. Open the filters at the top right to filter by project type, status, contact person and organisation.

project list


Career App

New talent onboarding

Talent onboarding has also been simplified and shortened. After a talent registers, he or she gets 4 questions to select a location, work/thinking level, and at least 3 skills. It is easy to choose skills from the skill suggestions, which are generated by our AI based on interest, work experience and/or education. We have also added explanations in each step of the process to make onboarding even easier for new users.


New design section personal information

The section where a talent can enter his or her personal information has been made simpler and shorter. It now consists only of name, contact details, driving licence and address.



(Coming soon)

Match App

Search with keywords

Do you want to search quickly with a few keywords and filters without creating a project? You can now do that in the Talent Market! Go to Talents from the main menu and navigate to the Talent Market tab. There you can quickly search your data sources using keywords and filters.





Version 2024.28

Match App

Easy job creation

We have greatly simplified creating new projects so that users can quickly proceed to matching. Start from a template or give a function name and we will instantly prefill the function level, function type and location based on your organization’s address, and give you skill suggestions. Select at least 3 skills and you can start matching instantly!


New design project page

We have created a new design for you to view and edit your projects more easily. The new structure has 3 categories:

  1. Essential (mandatory), all information we need to start matching your project namely function, location and 3 skills.
  2. Advanced matching, here you’ll find all fields to further improve the quality of your match results. For example, desired work experience or education.
  3. Publication, here you’ll find all fields to add more details to your project which have no impact on the match results. For example, salary range, contact persons and project descriptions. Fill in the project description in this section to unlock the publishing options.

For a full overview of where you can find each field, please refer to our Help Center.



Generate project description with GPT

In collaboration with OpenAI, we have integrated ChatGPT into our platform to automatically generate project descriptions based on all information available in your project. You will find the project description fields in the publication section of your project. Select your desired language and click on the Generate button to automatically generate texts for the 3 project description fields. Note that you can only generate the project description once, so make sure you enter as much information as you can into your project before you generate descriptions.


Video in projects

It is now possible to add a YouTube or TikTok video link to your project. Simply head over to your project and add a URL at the bottom of the Publication section in the Video URL field.


Screenshot 2024-08-09 153856


Project contact person

We have updated the contact person details in the Publication section of the project. It is now possible to specify a secondary contact person for a published project, choose which contact person(s) are to be displayed or add additional information about the contact person.


Screenshot 2024-08-09 170356


Location and language settings

In settings in the main menu, you can now set your location in addition to your app preference language.




Furthermore, in this version we have fixed minor bugs and made improvements to the user experience across our platform.



Version 2024.20

Match App

Company channel page

Navigate to ‘Company’ via the main menu where you can publish and share your own Company Channel page. Talents can find and choose to follow your company, giving your vacancies precedence in their match results. Does your company allow for represented talents, then talents can also request to be represented by your company.

As an admin, choose what info appears, such as a company description, header images, your unique call to action, published vacancies, recruiters or even a video presentation. Navigate to the Company Settings tab via the header menu to unlock even more customization options such as company colours, icons or links to your company website pages.



Career App


As an independent talent on our platform navigate to ‘Channels’ in the main menu. Here you can discover companies via their Channel Page that you can follow and request to represent you.




Unified locations

We have implemented completely new unified locations sections in all our apps. When adding or editing a project or talent profile you can now use the search address field to find and retrieve detailed location information. You search for the address and select the desired location and we will automatically fill in all required fields.





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Furthermore, in this version we have fixed minor bugs and made improvements to the user experience across our platform.



Version 2024.17

Match App

New project page

From now on, recruiters can search for projects more efficiently on the new project overview page. We have implemented a new design on all project tabs (departmental projects, my projects, all projects, templates and public vacancies). It is possible to search by keyword, sort projects, or filter on project type, project status or publication status.



The talent market radar has been given a new look and feel.



Career App

Name of hiring company at project

Do you ever publish jobs for a client? If candidates should know your client’s name, you can now indicate this in the title information of a project. The name of the client is then displayed with the job posting.




Furthermore, in this version we have fixed minor bugs and made improvements to the user experience across our platform.



Version 2024.15

Match App

If you can hire multiple talents for the same project, you can now indicate this at the bottom of the title information page. This information is visible to candidates who see the project in their career app. In addition, the number of positions is also visible when viewing the project in the WMS.



Furthermore, in this version we have fixed minor bugs and made improvements to the user experience across our platform.



Version 2024.12

Career App

There is a new design for adding pictures. This makes it easier to add, crop and enlarge images. This is designed with desktop and mobile users in mind.


The filters for the Job Market are easier to use and more visible at the top of the Job Market page. Upon the first match you make the filters will open automatically.

Video Project fasttt

Match App

Save and print a project
It is now possible to save a project as a pdf from the project overview and then print it.


Fully-managed talent
When you create a new fully managed talent profile from your talent pool, the ‘Personal information’ card opens first so you can name the talent immediately.


Using templates
The flow to create a new project from a template has been improved.



Furthermore, in this version we have fixed minor bugs and made improvements to the user experience across our platform.



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Version 2024.05

Career App

Equaliser for talents.

We are proud to share that the first version of the Equaliser, or match preferences, is available to talents. The Equaliser will be visible in the Career App and for Match App users who view a talent profile in the job market. Note that this is a beta functionality only visible to selected users.

How does the Equaliser work? This functionality allows you to boost, or reduce, certain match factors when looking for a project. For example, if you want to make a career switch then work experience may be less important to you while soft and transferable skills, on the other hand, you might want to boost. With the equaliser, users have an extra tool to influence their match results.



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Match App

Inviting talents.

Inviting new talents to your talent pool should be quick and easy. That’s why we’ve created a new flow where you can send talents an invitation directly in a few clicks. Enter an e-mail address to invite talent directly, or copy the invitation link and use it in your own e-mails or on your website.


Assign a recruiter or coach to a talent.

In the talent pool, there is now a column to assign a recruiter or coach to a talent. When you create a fully managed profile as a recruiter, you will automatically be assigned to this talent. Using the dropdown menu, you can easily change the recruiter or choose the ‘none’ option. In the column, you can use the search functionality to quickly find the right colleague.



New channels page.

We have revamped our channels page on the open platform. Here, talents can find companies, follow them and even request to be represented by intermediaries.


Years of experience in a project.

Until now, it was only possible to specify years of experience on the filters tab when matching a project. Now, you can also specify the number of years of the requested work experience. The number of years you enter here is automatically applied on the filters page.






New look with tabs in the header.

The tabs have been moved to the header menus of our apps. The new look gives a better overview and because the menu is more compact, more space is left in the app.


Improvement when adding a language.

When adding a new language, we have made minor improvements both in the Career App and Match App.


Furthermore, in this version we have fixed minor bugs and made improvements to the user experience across our platform.



Version 2023.48

Career App

In the CareerApp, the filter settings for the Job Market have been moved from the main menu to the top of the Job Market page. The design of the filters has also been improved. This will mainly influence the desktop version of the CareerApp.


Match App

The name of the hiring company for a project is displayed in the published job and project in the job market, if this option has been selected in the project in the MatchApp.

A recruiter can now also make a note in the talent profile of an independent talent from the Timeline in the MatchApp.

In the MatchApp, events and workshops can be created and published as a project type without the need for skills and function descriptions.




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Furthermore, in this version we fixed minor bugs and made improvements to the user experience in all areas of our platform.



Version 2023.42

Career App

In the CareerApp, a scroll function has been added to the “favourites” page. Talents can now easily scroll through the jobs that have been applied for or marked as interesting.


Match App

The functionality of the Timeline in the MatchApp has been approved, so that the recruiter can now scroll through all (historical) notifications on the timeline.

From the Timeline in the MatchApp, a recruiter can now make a note in the talent profile of a represented and fully managed talent.



The Job Header picture that is saved in a project’s title information, is now being displayed in the published project and it is also possible to request the job with header picture via our API.

Furthermore, in this version we have fixed minor bugs and made improvements to the user experience in all areas of our platform.



Version 2023.40

Career App

A talent can download his or her talent profile in PDF format and then print or share it. It is now possible to select which parts of the talent profile will be included in the PDF document.

A talent can now save any job from the job market in PDF format.

If the project description contains a salary, this is now indicated in the project overview and Public Job on the 8vance Platform.



Furthermore, in this version we have fixed minor bugs and made improvements to the user experience in all areas of our platform.




Version 2024.17

Match App

New project page

From now on, recruiters can search for projects more efficiently on the new project overview page. We have implemented a new design on all project tabs (departmental projects, my projects, all projects, templates and public vacancies). It is possible to search by keyword, sort projects, or filter on project type, project status or publication status.



The talent market radar has been given a new look and feel.



Career App

Name of hiring company at project

Do you ever publish jobs for a client? If candidates should know your client’s name, you can now indicate this in the title information of a project. The name of the client is then displayed with the job posting.




Furthermore, in this version we have fixed minor bugs and made improvements to the user experience across our platform.